Friday, August 19, 2011

Let's clear up those SATC rumors, shall we?

Okay, now this is what we know for sure:

There have been a lot of rumors about a Sex and the City prequel film starring Blake Lively, Elizabeth Olsen, Emma Roberts and Selena Gomez as younger versions of Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte. And this film would be based on Candace Bushnell's novel The Carrie Diaries (which I actually just started reading - I'll let you know if it's any good). Now, this is a film that I would love to see; just thinking about all that 80's fashion makes me smile!

Then again, considering the flashbacks we get to see in the beginning of the second SATC movie, maybe their sense of fashion improved tremendously over the years and wasn't always as chic. I kind of dig Samantha's outfit though.
Anyway, the Los Angeles Times reported earlier this month that an HBO prequel series was happening and they seemed pretty sure about it. There were also rumors that 'Hollywood bosses' met last week to discuss this type of development and that Sarah Jessica Parker had agreed to produce the show. However, none of this has been confirmed by HBO or anyone involved. A spokesperson for HBO simply said that there's been "no word" on this kind of development...  But that's not a no, now is it? Then again, it's not a yes either, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

There have also been rumors saying that the original cast is interested in returning to the small screen and making more seasons. A source told The Mail On Sunday that "Ultimately Darren Star - the man who created the hit series - will have the overall say, but everyone is agreed a TV show is the direction they want to take the franchise in." But personally I'm not really buying that. I mean, it seemed like Kim Cattrall barely wanted to shoot the second movie, so I don't know think she'd sign up for more seasons (especially not in plural), and you just can't have SATC without Samantha.

And of course people are speculating about a Sex and the City 3 movie, but like I said, I don't think Kim would be on board, and also, Sarah Jessica is apparently reluctant to shooting another movie because of the rather cold reception the last one received.

Then on Tuesday, a rep for Sarah Jessica denied that she was interested in producing a new series, saying that the rumors are "completely false."

That's it. I don't know how much was really cleared up here. I may even be more confused now than I was before, but at least we know what's been confirmed and what hasn't.

Read more here and here.